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Modern Daily Knitting: How knitting helps loss in and out of prison

Jewish Book Council: A Shared history: Returning to my Mother's Roots

Jane Friedman: Turn Fact into Fiction, Without Hurting Someone or Getting Sued

Psychology Today
: After the Estrangement, from "Runs in the Family," the blog/column I write


The Daily Beast: Maybe it's time we gave this Manson Family killer a break

Writer's Digest: Why it's okay to hire a developmental editor and not keep it a secret

Book Trib: Naming Names and rewriting history: Why I used my family's real names in Days of Wonder.






































































The Daily Beast I Was in a Coma But No One Will Tell Me What Happened

Poets & Writers: The Novel I Buried Three Times (with Jonathan Evison)

Psychology Today: My Mother's First Love at 93

The Manifest-Station: To Mom With Dementia

The Manifest-Station: My Mother's Boyfriend and Me

The Millions: Killing Me Softly


The Jewish Book Council: Hilarious and Horrifying: 
How Pop Culture Reveals the 50s


New York Times Modern Love: A Writer's Tortoise Leads the Way to Happiness

Feed Me anthology: The Grief Diet


The Weeklings: Caroline, No


New York Magazine: High Infidelity 


Salon: Belly Wounds


Salon: Dating The Birth Mother


Salon: My First Husband's Girlfriend and Me


Salon: The Husband From Hell

Pittsburgh article.jpg

The Pittsburgh-Post Gazette feature in 2024

Baby me, in my twenties, having sold my first novel, Meeting Rozzy Halfway, while living in Pittburgh.

Want to interact with me? Get news? Please join my mailing list! (Pls. note I am not Karoline Leavitt, Trump's press person.)

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